Tuesday, July 08, 2014


People Only See What they Want to See

Don`t believe what your eyes are telling you. All they show is limitation. Look with your understanding, find out what you already know, and you`ll see the way to fly. ~ Richard Bach

Scripture:For this reason they could not believe, because, as Isaiah says elsewhere: "He has blinded their eyes and deadened their hearts, so they can neither see with their eyes, nor understand with their hearts, nor turn—and I would heal them. John 12:39-41 (New International Version)

The world we live in today causes one to ponder, what does the future hold? We look around us and see heartache and sadness at every turn. There is not one among us who has either been touched or knows of someone else who is struggling to make it through another day. The economy is spiraling downward at a rate that is out of control.

Those who are in power say they understand and they know the answers to what must be done, but I ask you; do they? Do they live in the same world that you and I live in? Do they see and comprehend the same things that we do? It begs the question, are they living on the same edge of financial devastation that many are experience on a daily basis?

Now I myself have a job. However, a few short years ago that was not the case. When I lost a very lucrative job, I lost my home, my car and that all powerful credit rating. Yes, I found employment but years later I am still struggling day by day to make it through. I am trying to follow my dream, but even though I haven’t lost heart, I become discouraged knowing that I am still in the midst of my struggle.

As I read the above scripture it prompts me to wonder; do they really know? Do they really see? Or have they become so blinded by that almighty dollar that they fail to see the human face that struggles to carry the burdens of family and survival on their backs. “I Got Mine so You Better Get Yours.”

Saints of God, look up to heaven from whom all blessings flow and not towards man. Open your eyes and your hearts to the world around you and let us not forget that by looking at the world around us, with eyes of compassion and never forgetting from whom and where we came are the only things that will allow us to heal as a country.

And remember that it would be better to have eyes that cannot see; ears that cannot hear; lips that cannot speak, than a heart that cannot love or to lack a spirit of compassion.

Be Blessed

Father, we come before You to receive mercy and grace. With the help of the Holy Spirit we purpose to amend our ways by obeying Your voice, O Lord, my God. We take off the old man and put on the new, ordering our conduct according to Your standard of holiness. May we be holy just as You are holy, and may we be moved by compassion just as You are, Lord Jesus. Even when are in the midst of the valley, help us always to remember to help someone else. Let us not be concerned with ourselves that we do not see when others may need our help. May we always remember to reach out and touch the lives of others around us. Lord, we pray that something that we do or say today would cause someone else to seek your face. Now Lord, our prayers are not complete until we have given you honor and glory. We pause each and every day just to say thank you Lord. We Love you Lord. Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come! We humbly submit our prayers and petitions in the Holy Name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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