Monday, June 16, 2014


Sometimes We Can't Handle the Truth

You can bend it and twist it... You can misuse and abuse it... But even God cannot change the Truth. ~ Michael Levy

Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. Psalm 25:5

Have you ever asked God a question, but didn't like His answer? Have you ever asked Him to give you a spirit of discernment, but didn't like what was revealed? Have you ever asked God to show you someone’s heart and then regretted it?

We often ask God to do things on our behalf and then become angry with the results. We become angry because even though we want God to move in support of us, we want what we want even if it’s not what God wants for us. We want Him to confirm our decisions, even when we make the wrong ones. We want our choices to be definitive, even as the world around us begins to crumble because our decisions were not in God’s will.

I found the above quote to be most interesting because I have always been taught that God can change anything, anybody or any situation. At first glance, this quote would appear to challenge that line of thinking. However, when we study His word we learn that He cannot lie. In other words, the truth, fact or reality of our situations cannot be altered simply because we want it to be so. Things that we do or say that are contrary to God’s word, His teachings or His will will not be changed simply because we asked.

In other words, God cannot lie to or for His children. So before you ask God the question, be prepared for His answer.

Be Blessed


Father God, we come before the throne of grace with bowed heads and humbled hearts. Lord, forgive us for being stiff necked and reacting contrary to Your teachings. Forgive us Lord, for sometimes going against Your will and Your word. Help us Father, to be still and accept that there are things in our lives that shouldn't be there. There are people in our lives that shouldn’t be there. There are things that we do and say, that are not pleasing to You. Lord, help us to accept Your truths and dwell in Your word. Help us Lord, to be still and listen for Your still small voice and when we hear it, accept those things You are revealing to us. Have mercy on us Lord. Lord, we love You even in our chastisements. We magnify and uplift Your name because You are Sovereign. We love You because You love us more than words could ever express. We submit our prayers in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen. 

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