Monday, August 16, 2010


Restore Our Sight

Remember, We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are. ~ Anais Nin

For we walk by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7

How many of you know people who always see only the negative in a situation? They always manage to find something wrong with anybody and everything. They are usually known as pessimist. A pessimist will usually see the glass half empty, never half full.

As I read the above quote I started looking at some of the people around me. I know quite a few people that no matter what can’t enjoy life because they are always waiting for the other shoe to drop. They usually walk around with a woe is me mentality, spreading gloom and doom in their wake. I even know several Christians who think like that.

Not long ago while talking to a friend, she told me something that really surprised me. She said that when she finds herself feeling sorry for herself, she calls her friend Job. “Job”, I asked. Who is Job? “You are”, was her response.

She told me that she has watched me go from one bad situation to the next, but through it all, I am always talking about how good things in my life are. What she meant by her words were that I am the eternal optimist. I try not to dwell on the things in my life that are going wrong, but rather I try to focus on the blessings that I do have.

Don’t get me wrong, I have gotten discouraged about some things; like being without a job for over six months, having my car repossessed and having to move. But rather than focus on what I don’t have, I focus on what I do have.

I didn’t have a job but still managed to feed me and my sons. My car was repossessed but somehow I got the money to buy another one. I had to move, but I have always had a roof over my head and a bed to sleep in. Even when I didn’t know where my next dime was coming from, somehow God provided.

Saints of God, the one thing that we must always remember is that no matter what you may going through, what you lose, what you don’t have; we always have something to be thankful for.

We are not defined by our circumstances but rather it is He who defines our circumstances!

Be Blessed

Lord, I once was blind but now I see. We come before You as the blind did in days of old. Asking Lord, that You would restore our sight. Help us Lord to find the path that You have chosen for us. Help us Lord, to develop greater faith. Help us Lord, to see the world through the eyes of Jesus. Father, we come surrendering our lives to You. Help us to learn to lean on You. Help us Lord to learn that it’s not always about what we see but truly about what You are teaching us. Teach us Lord to lean upon You. To depend upon You and not the things of this world. Lord, help us to realize that our circumstances do not define us, You do. You have already told us that You would never leave us nor forsake us. Bless us Lord. Keep us Lord. Restore our sight once again. So that we may lift our eyes towards heaven and see Your divine vision for us. Father, we come praising and uplifting Your name once again. As we ask and pray this and all things in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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