Sunday, October 04, 2009


The Gift of Wisdom

Remember, Wisdom is like a beautiful stained glass window. The more light shines through it The more brilliant the wisdom ~ John Christopher

For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness,"[made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. 2 Corinthians 4:6 (New International Version)

Lately, I have been fascinated with the word Wisdom. Wisdom is a derivative of the word wise. Wise means; Having the ability to discern or judge what is true, right, or lasting; sagacious: a wise leader. As I have grown older, I realize that there have been so many things that have happened in my life that were the result of being foolish or; unwise.

Unlike some of you, I haven’t always been saved and because of that, I have made some pretty dumb decisions in my life. I won’t go into detail but what I will say that because of being uninformed about the word of God, I thought I could live my life any way I wanted to. In the process of “Living My Life” I have said and done things that where harmful to me and to those I loved.

Recently, I shared with a friend how as a teenager, I rebelled against my mother in my attempts to “Be Grown.” I did and said things that I knew she wouldn’t have approved of. In the process, I changed the dynamics of our relationship.

Now I must say, that it took me some time to realize the errors of my ways, but the reality of my actions were that I hurt my mother in the process and caused her unnecessary pain and heartache. It took me years to realize what I had done and it broke my heart when I realized the consequences of my actions.

My mother, who died many years ago forgave me long before her death, but the shame of what I had done will be with me for the rest of my life. It will be a cross that I will bear until my own dying day. Now I know that I have asked for and received forgiveness for my actions, but it doesn’t change the facts of what I had done.

Saints of God, how many of you have said or done things that you knew were wrong in the name of being your own woman/man? How many of you made foolish choices because of your ignorance? How many of you wish that you could somehow change your past so that your presence and your future could be better? It’s not too late.

The gift of wisdom is at hand. It called the Word of God. The Bible. Won’t you accept your gift today?

Be Blessed

Father God, I come before the throne of grace as a chastised child. Lord, I ask for forgiveness of my rebellious nature. Father, I come seeking the wisdom that can only be found in Your word. Teach me Lord, to become more Christ-like. Help me Lord to grow in grace and in favor. Teach me thy ways, as I seek the gift of life eternal in Your Son, Jesus Christ. Thank You Lord, for all things yesterday, today and forever more. Thank You heavenly Father for my mother who had the wisdom and the love to see past my faults, just as You do. Praise be To God. Thank You Jesus. It is in Your name we pray. Amen.

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