Sunday, May 31, 2009
Failure of the Fathers
The deepest human defeat suffered by human beings is constituted by the difference between what one was capable of becoming and what one has in fact become. ~ Ashlay Montagu
Our fathers sinned and are no more, and we bear their punishment. Slaves rule over us, and there is none to free us from their hands. Lamentations 5:6-8 (New International Version)
During the course of this weekend, two very eye opening and thought provoking things happened in my world. The first was a novel I read by a very talented and insightful new author by the name of Wanda Manning. The name of her novel was “Inherited Sin.” “Inherited Sin” was a coming of age story about a young man who found himself at odds with his father because of the father’s indiscretions and treatment of his mother.
This young man watched how his father treated his mother and grew to hate him. However, as he too grew into manhood and married, the son also started exhibiting some of the very same traits of his father. The same characteristics that he hated and despised and that had torn his family apart had now become a part of his makeup as well.
The second event was today when I had to comfort my youngest son because his own father had disappointed him yet again. You see, my son will be graduating from Junior High School this Friday and wanted his father there to witness this monumental event in his life. Now in his father’s defense, he just started a new job and has to work and cannot get the day off. However, if the was an isolated case of him letting his son down, then maybe, just maybe my son would have been a little more understanding. However, the father of my children has a tendency to disappoint them on a regular basis.
In both the case of the book and with my son, these young men are watching and taking in the actions of their fathers. They learn so much from parents not only in what we say, but also in what we do. Now my ex-husband may not think his actions have anything to do with his children, but just like their father’s before them, they too will inherit the spirit of the forefathers.
Many people don’t realize that in their behavior, they are passing down general curses. The word of God tells us that our sins do not go unpunished. If we do not change our sinful ways and ask God for forgiveness, those same sins will be passed down to our children. Now I know that many men would say or think that they are being good fathers to their children and it’s not up to me or you to make that determination. However, I would ask those same men to look into their hearts and ask themselves, are they being all that God wants them to be to their own children.
I would ask; does the generational curse stop with them?
Be blessed
Father God, as father’s day approaches, I ask that you would speak to the hearts and minds of those men who have born the fruit of their loins. Lord, so many of our children are hurting because of the indifference of the fathers. As I read your word, I am reminded that it is the man who should lead his sons into battle. Father God, help our men to realize that we are in a battle. We are in a spiritual battle for the souls of our children. We need them Lord, to build a spiritual wall of protection to cover their children. Father God, our sons and daughters need not only You, their heavenly Father, they need their natural fathers in their lives as well. They need their earthly fathers to stand up and be men, mighty men of God. For those of us who are trying to raise our children alone, gives us the strength and the wisdom to raise our children the right way; Your way. Cover our children in the blood. The blood that protects, heals, and sooths away all of the hurt and the pain. Cover them Lord and help us to bind the generational curses that our children may be facing. Now Lord, give us, the mothers of this world, a forgiving spirit and the power to bind these curses in the stead of their Fathers. Lord, I thank You because I already know that it is done. It is finished because You have already told me that there is power in the tongue. My sons will not carry the sins of the Father into the lives of their own children because we bind them in the name of Jesus. It is in His name that we pray. Amen.
Our fathers sinned and are no more, and we bear their punishment. Slaves rule over us, and there is none to free us from their hands. Lamentations 5:6-8 (New International Version)
During the course of this weekend, two very eye opening and thought provoking things happened in my world. The first was a novel I read by a very talented and insightful new author by the name of Wanda Manning. The name of her novel was “Inherited Sin.” “Inherited Sin” was a coming of age story about a young man who found himself at odds with his father because of the father’s indiscretions and treatment of his mother.
This young man watched how his father treated his mother and grew to hate him. However, as he too grew into manhood and married, the son also started exhibiting some of the very same traits of his father. The same characteristics that he hated and despised and that had torn his family apart had now become a part of his makeup as well.
The second event was today when I had to comfort my youngest son because his own father had disappointed him yet again. You see, my son will be graduating from Junior High School this Friday and wanted his father there to witness this monumental event in his life. Now in his father’s defense, he just started a new job and has to work and cannot get the day off. However, if the was an isolated case of him letting his son down, then maybe, just maybe my son would have been a little more understanding. However, the father of my children has a tendency to disappoint them on a regular basis.
In both the case of the book and with my son, these young men are watching and taking in the actions of their fathers. They learn so much from parents not only in what we say, but also in what we do. Now my ex-husband may not think his actions have anything to do with his children, but just like their father’s before them, they too will inherit the spirit of the forefathers.
Many people don’t realize that in their behavior, they are passing down general curses. The word of God tells us that our sins do not go unpunished. If we do not change our sinful ways and ask God for forgiveness, those same sins will be passed down to our children. Now I know that many men would say or think that they are being good fathers to their children and it’s not up to me or you to make that determination. However, I would ask those same men to look into their hearts and ask themselves, are they being all that God wants them to be to their own children.
I would ask; does the generational curse stop with them?
Be blessed
Father God, as father’s day approaches, I ask that you would speak to the hearts and minds of those men who have born the fruit of their loins. Lord, so many of our children are hurting because of the indifference of the fathers. As I read your word, I am reminded that it is the man who should lead his sons into battle. Father God, help our men to realize that we are in a battle. We are in a spiritual battle for the souls of our children. We need them Lord, to build a spiritual wall of protection to cover their children. Father God, our sons and daughters need not only You, their heavenly Father, they need their natural fathers in their lives as well. They need their earthly fathers to stand up and be men, mighty men of God. For those of us who are trying to raise our children alone, gives us the strength and the wisdom to raise our children the right way; Your way. Cover our children in the blood. The blood that protects, heals, and sooths away all of the hurt and the pain. Cover them Lord and help us to bind the generational curses that our children may be facing. Now Lord, give us, the mothers of this world, a forgiving spirit and the power to bind these curses in the stead of their Fathers. Lord, I thank You because I already know that it is done. It is finished because You have already told me that there is power in the tongue. My sons will not carry the sins of the Father into the lives of their own children because we bind them in the name of Jesus. It is in His name that we pray. Amen.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Learning to Pause
Remember, Learn to pause ... or nothing worthwhile will catch up to you. ~ Doug King
I waited patiently for the LORD; he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the LORD. Psalm 40:1-3 (New International Version)
So often we find ourselves running through life, going from one place to another in search of something or someone that will fulfill us and make us happy. We start as children sprinting into our teenaged years. Looking for our next milestone, thirteen, sixteen, eighteen and then finally, twenty-one; expecting something miraculous to happen that will change our lives. We can’t wait until we are grown and on our own.
Then we find ourselves in search of love; looking for that special someone who will fulfill all of our fairytale dreams in the hopes of living happily ever after. In the meantime, we run towards the right education, job, car, neighborhood, and the world around us continues to churn, as we search for the things that are supposed to make us content.
Somewhere down life’s road, we begin to realize that neither people nor things can truly fulfill us or make us happy. So we often find that we have been running around in circles, searching, waiting, wondering, when will it happen for us.
We find ourselves so busy running after things, that we forget to just pause and appreciate where we are right now. I often reflect back on “The good old days” when life seemed to be less complicated and realize that I am the one who complicated it looking for that “something” to complete me. It wasn’t until I realized that the only thing that could truly complete me was God that I learned to pause and live in the moment.
So my friends, today I urge you to pause and let something good catch up to you.
Be blessed
Father, too often I found myself looking for that something or someone that I thought would make me happy. I looked high and low but couldn’t find it anywhere. It wasn’t until You found me that my life began to change. Thank You Lord, for finding me in the slimy pits of life. Thank You father for placing my feet on a solid rock, giving me a firm place to stand. Thank You Lord for reaching down and reaching out Your hand to me. Lord, thank You for loving me enough by giving me the gift of eternal life through Christ Jesus. Now Lord, I ask that You would continue to bless those who come seeking a word of encouragement. Speak to our heart Holy Spirit. Helping us to always be mindful to pause, and enjoy the moment in Christ Jesus. We love You Lord, we bless Your name. We give thanks, glory, honor and praise; in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
I waited patiently for the LORD; he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the LORD. Psalm 40:1-3 (New International Version)
So often we find ourselves running through life, going from one place to another in search of something or someone that will fulfill us and make us happy. We start as children sprinting into our teenaged years. Looking for our next milestone, thirteen, sixteen, eighteen and then finally, twenty-one; expecting something miraculous to happen that will change our lives. We can’t wait until we are grown and on our own.
Then we find ourselves in search of love; looking for that special someone who will fulfill all of our fairytale dreams in the hopes of living happily ever after. In the meantime, we run towards the right education, job, car, neighborhood, and the world around us continues to churn, as we search for the things that are supposed to make us content.
Somewhere down life’s road, we begin to realize that neither people nor things can truly fulfill us or make us happy. So we often find that we have been running around in circles, searching, waiting, wondering, when will it happen for us.
We find ourselves so busy running after things, that we forget to just pause and appreciate where we are right now. I often reflect back on “The good old days” when life seemed to be less complicated and realize that I am the one who complicated it looking for that “something” to complete me. It wasn’t until I realized that the only thing that could truly complete me was God that I learned to pause and live in the moment.
So my friends, today I urge you to pause and let something good catch up to you.
Be blessed
Father, too often I found myself looking for that something or someone that I thought would make me happy. I looked high and low but couldn’t find it anywhere. It wasn’t until You found me that my life began to change. Thank You Lord, for finding me in the slimy pits of life. Thank You father for placing my feet on a solid rock, giving me a firm place to stand. Thank You Lord for reaching down and reaching out Your hand to me. Lord, thank You for loving me enough by giving me the gift of eternal life through Christ Jesus. Now Lord, I ask that You would continue to bless those who come seeking a word of encouragement. Speak to our heart Holy Spirit. Helping us to always be mindful to pause, and enjoy the moment in Christ Jesus. We love You Lord, we bless Your name. We give thanks, glory, honor and praise; in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Follow Your First Mind
You must train your intuition -- you must trust the small voice inside you which tells you exactly what to say, what to decide. ~ Ingrid Bergman
Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus. Philippians 2:5
Saints, how often have you gone to do something then decided to do it another way, only to come back and say; I should have followed my first mind. So often we hear the voice of God telling us what to do, but we won't listen.
There have been times in our lives when something inside of us says to do things a certain way. It can be something as simple as losing our keys and then, all of a sudden it comes to you where they are. Or it could have been a much stronger voice that shouted, “DON’T GO THAT WAY!” In either case what you may not have realized is that, it is the voice of God guiding and directing you in the way that you should go.
When the word of God is used as your source of direction we can't help but do what is right. So often when we don't listen to what he is trying to tell us, we can't help but fail. So saint, today I urge you be still, listen, and act on the word of God. He hasn't failed you yet.
Be Blessed
I heard a bird sing and knew it was God. I felt the wind on my face and knew it was God, I heard a whisper, and knew it was God. Thank You Lord, that You make Your presence known to me each and everyday. Lord, as we look around us today, we see You at work. Thank You Lord for the rain that has caused the flowers, tree and grass to grow. Thank You for the sun that brightens my day and my spirits. Thank You for the moon and the stars, which help me to realize that I am part of something much greater. Lord, but most of all I thank You for YOUR WORD, YOUR GRACE & MERCY, AND MY SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST. Father, we ask that You would continue to allow Your blessings to be manifested in our lives. Touch our brothers and sisters who have many needs today. Touch my fellow saints reading this right now, in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus. Philippians 2:5
Saints, how often have you gone to do something then decided to do it another way, only to come back and say; I should have followed my first mind. So often we hear the voice of God telling us what to do, but we won't listen.
There have been times in our lives when something inside of us says to do things a certain way. It can be something as simple as losing our keys and then, all of a sudden it comes to you where they are. Or it could have been a much stronger voice that shouted, “DON’T GO THAT WAY!” In either case what you may not have realized is that, it is the voice of God guiding and directing you in the way that you should go.
When the word of God is used as your source of direction we can't help but do what is right. So often when we don't listen to what he is trying to tell us, we can't help but fail. So saint, today I urge you be still, listen, and act on the word of God. He hasn't failed you yet.
Be Blessed
I heard a bird sing and knew it was God. I felt the wind on my face and knew it was God, I heard a whisper, and knew it was God. Thank You Lord, that You make Your presence known to me each and everyday. Lord, as we look around us today, we see You at work. Thank You Lord for the rain that has caused the flowers, tree and grass to grow. Thank You for the sun that brightens my day and my spirits. Thank You for the moon and the stars, which help me to realize that I am part of something much greater. Lord, but most of all I thank You for YOUR WORD, YOUR GRACE & MERCY, AND MY SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST. Father, we ask that You would continue to allow Your blessings to be manifested in our lives. Touch our brothers and sisters who have many needs today. Touch my fellow saints reading this right now, in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Out of Egypt
Traveling is not just seeing the new; it is also leaving behind. Not just opening doors; also closing them behind you, never to return. But the place you have left forever is always there for you to see whenever you shut your eyes. ~ Jan Myrdal
The LORD said, "I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering. So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey—the home of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites. Exodus 3:7-8 (New International Version)
The decedents of Moses were a chosen people. They were chosen by God because Moses, whom they descended from, was a faithful follower of God who never questioned whatever it was God wanted him to do. Whatever, whenever and however God wanted it done, Moses was his man.
There are those of us who wish we could be more like Moses. Obedient to the point that we would never question anything God told us to do. However, I know I am not that faithful. I sometimes question what it is God wants me to do. What I do know is that God wants for me is to turn away from sin once and for all. Turning away or leaving sin is a lot harder than we want for it to be.
Personally I know that there are still some things that I do that are not pleasing to God. I still have a sinful nature and periodically, I find myself doing or saying things that I know are contrary to being a Christian. Especially when I find myself tempted by certain situations.
Just like the children of Israel, when the going gets tough, I sometimes think that where I came from has to be easier than where I find myself. I sometimes lack the necessary faith that God wants me to have and will look to my past to make it through to my future.
What I find interesting about the above quote was that it said even when I have left my past and shut the door behind me, all I have to do is close my eyes and I see my past right there in front of me. And so it is with our sins. All we have to do is think about our past sins, and there it is; right in front of my eyes.
So my question for you today is, even though you have left Egypt, is Egypt still in you?
Be Blessed
Father, sometimes I think it would be so easy to return to my wicked ways. Satan would have me to believe that my past has to be my present. But Your word tells me that the sins of my past are just that, in my past. Lord, help me always to look forward and not to look backwards. Hold my hand as I continue my journey out of Egypt and into the Promised Land. Crossing the wilderness is a journey; a journey into a land of milk and honey. I know that the road I travel is not an easy one, but it is the same one that Joshua traveled and I have the faith and the will to persevere. Thank you Father for the supplication of Your word that would give me the strength to get there. Thank You Father for the power of the Holy Spirit which resides in my heart so that I know that I am never alone. Thank You Lord for my comforter, Jesus Christ. It is in His most Holy name that we pray. Amen.
The LORD said, "I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering. So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey—the home of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites. Exodus 3:7-8 (New International Version)
The decedents of Moses were a chosen people. They were chosen by God because Moses, whom they descended from, was a faithful follower of God who never questioned whatever it was God wanted him to do. Whatever, whenever and however God wanted it done, Moses was his man.
There are those of us who wish we could be more like Moses. Obedient to the point that we would never question anything God told us to do. However, I know I am not that faithful. I sometimes question what it is God wants me to do. What I do know is that God wants for me is to turn away from sin once and for all. Turning away or leaving sin is a lot harder than we want for it to be.
Personally I know that there are still some things that I do that are not pleasing to God. I still have a sinful nature and periodically, I find myself doing or saying things that I know are contrary to being a Christian. Especially when I find myself tempted by certain situations.
Just like the children of Israel, when the going gets tough, I sometimes think that where I came from has to be easier than where I find myself. I sometimes lack the necessary faith that God wants me to have and will look to my past to make it through to my future.
What I find interesting about the above quote was that it said even when I have left my past and shut the door behind me, all I have to do is close my eyes and I see my past right there in front of me. And so it is with our sins. All we have to do is think about our past sins, and there it is; right in front of my eyes.
So my question for you today is, even though you have left Egypt, is Egypt still in you?
Be Blessed
Father, sometimes I think it would be so easy to return to my wicked ways. Satan would have me to believe that my past has to be my present. But Your word tells me that the sins of my past are just that, in my past. Lord, help me always to look forward and not to look backwards. Hold my hand as I continue my journey out of Egypt and into the Promised Land. Crossing the wilderness is a journey; a journey into a land of milk and honey. I know that the road I travel is not an easy one, but it is the same one that Joshua traveled and I have the faith and the will to persevere. Thank you Father for the supplication of Your word that would give me the strength to get there. Thank You Father for the power of the Holy Spirit which resides in my heart so that I know that I am never alone. Thank You Lord for my comforter, Jesus Christ. It is in His most Holy name that we pray. Amen.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Praise Him for the Closed Door
When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us. ~Helen Keller
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:6, For thou art my rock and my fortress; therefore for thy name's sake, lead me, and guide me. Psalm 31:3, Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee I will wait all day. Psalm 25:5, Lead me, O Lord, in thy righteousness because of mine enemies; make thy way straight before my face. Psalm 5:8.
Recently, a friend shared a story called “Praise him for the Closed Door.” It spoke about how we need to learn to praise God for closed doors.
One reason God closes doors is because he hasn't prepared anything over there for us. Another reason may be because what's behind door number one may cause us harm. And yet still, behind door number two may be a trap that satan has prepared for us.
The story went on to further state, that God directs our paths through the closing and opening of doors. When one door closes, it forces you to change your path. The closing of yet another will cause you to change your path again. Then finally, you open the door and you walk right into your blessing.
So Saints of God, instead of trying to beat down the door, praise him for the detour he is sending you on. Praise him for your blessings that are on the way.
But most of all, praise him because we serve an awesome God!
Be Blessed
Lord, many of us are standing before a closed door. Lord, some of us have been trying to beat that door down. Father, You have already told us that You would never leave us nor forsake us. You have already told us that You would open the windows of heaven and pour us out a blessing. A blessing that would overflow with Your love, Your grace, and Your mercy. Lord, we come thanking You for closing that door. Lord, we come thanking You and praising You because we know that our blessings are on the way. We praise You this day, because You are the Lord, my God. Praise His name. Hallelujah,. We worship and exalt You this morning. Bless Your Holy Name Lord. Lord, some of us were ready to give up. But Lord, we realize that You haven't failed us yet. Praise God! Some of us have cried until we have no more tears to cry. But today my eyes are filled with tears of joy. Thank You Jesus. Father, we will Bless Your name all the day long. Hallelujah, , Praise God. Amen. Amen.
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:6, For thou art my rock and my fortress; therefore for thy name's sake, lead me, and guide me. Psalm 31:3, Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee I will wait all day. Psalm 25:5, Lead me, O Lord, in thy righteousness because of mine enemies; make thy way straight before my face. Psalm 5:8.
Recently, a friend shared a story called “Praise him for the Closed Door.” It spoke about how we need to learn to praise God for closed doors.
One reason God closes doors is because he hasn't prepared anything over there for us. Another reason may be because what's behind door number one may cause us harm. And yet still, behind door number two may be a trap that satan has prepared for us.
The story went on to further state, that God directs our paths through the closing and opening of doors. When one door closes, it forces you to change your path. The closing of yet another will cause you to change your path again. Then finally, you open the door and you walk right into your blessing.
So Saints of God, instead of trying to beat down the door, praise him for the detour he is sending you on. Praise him for your blessings that are on the way.
But most of all, praise him because we serve an awesome God!
Be Blessed
Lord, many of us are standing before a closed door. Lord, some of us have been trying to beat that door down. Father, You have already told us that You would never leave us nor forsake us. You have already told us that You would open the windows of heaven and pour us out a blessing. A blessing that would overflow with Your love, Your grace, and Your mercy. Lord, we come thanking You for closing that door. Lord, we come thanking You and praising You because we know that our blessings are on the way. We praise You this day, because You are the Lord, my God. Praise His name. Hallelujah,. We worship and exalt You this morning. Bless Your Holy Name Lord. Lord, some of us were ready to give up. But Lord, we realize that You haven't failed us yet. Praise God! Some of us have cried until we have no more tears to cry. But today my eyes are filled with tears of joy. Thank You Jesus. Father, we will Bless Your name all the day long. Hallelujah, , Praise God. Amen. Amen.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Sometimes You Can't Take it Back
Mistakes are a part of being human. Appreciate your mistakes for what they are: precious life lessons that can only be learned the hard way. Unless it's a fatal mistake, which, at least, others can learn from. ~ Al Franken
Do not accuse a man for no reason— when he has done you no harm. Do not envy a violent man or choose any of his ways, for the LORD detests a perverse man but takes the upright into his confidence. Proverbs 3:30-32 (New International Version)
The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines the word mistake as; to blunder in the choice of, to misunderstand the meaning or intention of, to make a wrong judgment of the character or ability of, to identify wrongly, confuse with another, to be wrong.
Often times a mistake is just a poor choice. Each and every one of us has at some point in our lives made a mistake, either by accident or sometimes even by choice. Unfortunately, when we make a bad choice, we can’t really call it an accident because we chose to do the wrong thing.
Recently, three young men made the choice to cause harm to another. Now I don’t know if their actions were in the heat of the moment or whether they truly meant to take another young man’s life, but they did. And now, they must face the consequences of their choice.
Far too often we will make a choice to do something then realize too late, that we made a mistake. Mistakes are sometimes bad choices. Some mistakes can be fixed with “I’m sorry.” Unfortunately, some mistakes you can’t take back.
Each of us must learn not only from our mistakes but also from the mistakes of others. When we learn to hide the word of God in our hearts, we learn to listen to the voice of God and therefore can often avoid making those kinds of mistakes. And prayerfully, even when we make those life altering choices, those mistakes that men cannot forgive, know that God can forgive.
Aren’t you thankful for God Grace?
Be Blessed
Father God, we come once again with praises on our tongues and humility in our hearts, seeking Your face, Your grace and Your mercy. Lord, forgive us for doubting You when the things in our lives are not going according to our plans. We realize that everything that we want isn’t necessarily what You want for us. Help us to recognize the bad choices that we have made in our lives, correct them accept them and move on. Help us Father, to find our way. Lord, we pray ask for a spirit of discernment so that we can recognize when our will is not inline with Yours. Help us to remember to always seek you in everything that we do, before we make life altering choices and to be still in the midst of our storms. Thank you Father, for reminding us that You have provided the way out of darkness and into the light. Your Word and Your Son, Jesus Christ. Our Redeemer. It is in His name that we humbly submit our prayers. Amen.
Do not accuse a man for no reason— when he has done you no harm. Do not envy a violent man or choose any of his ways, for the LORD detests a perverse man but takes the upright into his confidence. Proverbs 3:30-32 (New International Version)
The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines the word mistake as; to blunder in the choice of, to misunderstand the meaning or intention of, to make a wrong judgment of the character or ability of, to identify wrongly, confuse with another, to be wrong.
Often times a mistake is just a poor choice. Each and every one of us has at some point in our lives made a mistake, either by accident or sometimes even by choice. Unfortunately, when we make a bad choice, we can’t really call it an accident because we chose to do the wrong thing.
Recently, three young men made the choice to cause harm to another. Now I don’t know if their actions were in the heat of the moment or whether they truly meant to take another young man’s life, but they did. And now, they must face the consequences of their choice.
Far too often we will make a choice to do something then realize too late, that we made a mistake. Mistakes are sometimes bad choices. Some mistakes can be fixed with “I’m sorry.” Unfortunately, some mistakes you can’t take back.
Each of us must learn not only from our mistakes but also from the mistakes of others. When we learn to hide the word of God in our hearts, we learn to listen to the voice of God and therefore can often avoid making those kinds of mistakes. And prayerfully, even when we make those life altering choices, those mistakes that men cannot forgive, know that God can forgive.
Aren’t you thankful for God Grace?
Be Blessed
Father God, we come once again with praises on our tongues and humility in our hearts, seeking Your face, Your grace and Your mercy. Lord, forgive us for doubting You when the things in our lives are not going according to our plans. We realize that everything that we want isn’t necessarily what You want for us. Help us to recognize the bad choices that we have made in our lives, correct them accept them and move on. Help us Father, to find our way. Lord, we pray ask for a spirit of discernment so that we can recognize when our will is not inline with Yours. Help us to remember to always seek you in everything that we do, before we make life altering choices and to be still in the midst of our storms. Thank you Father, for reminding us that You have provided the way out of darkness and into the light. Your Word and Your Son, Jesus Christ. Our Redeemer. It is in His name that we humbly submit our prayers. Amen.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Chasing the Wind
People spend a lifetime searching for happiness; Looking for peace. They chase idle dreams, addictions, religions, even other people, hoping to fill the emptiness that plaques them. The irony is the only place they ever needed to search was within. ~ Unknown
I, the Teacher, was king over Israel in Jerusalem. I devoted myself to study and to explore by wisdom all that is done under heaven. What a heavy burden God has laid on men! I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind. Ecclesiastes 1:12-14 (New International Version)
The book of Ecclesiastes teaches that us a life not centered on God is purposeless and meaningless. Today’s lesson is about how some people can begin to put too much emphasis on “stuff.”
Sometimes we are so busy chasing after money, success and concern over what other people think about us, that we start looking for satisfaction in all the wrong places. The things that we begin to believe are the most important things in life, are the very things that we begin to chase after.
When we chase after fame, fortune and the opinions of others we are essentially saying that we have total control of our lives and that we don’t trust in the plans that God has for us. This is not to say that obtaining certain things in life is wrong or that we should feel guilty about it, but rather realizing that the collecting of things will not necessarily lead them to the road of happiness. Recognizing what is really important; God, family, and friends are more important than things.
Learning to embrace where you are in life, is sometimes more important than embracing the things that fill our lives. Recognizing where you are in your spiritual walk is often more important than the journey. Learning to enjoy who you are is more important than trying to impress others.
Saints of God, having things is not the most important thing in life. Having God and people who love you is far more important than any material thing that you could ever have. Having peace of mind, body and spirit is something that you will be able to keep with you always.
The most important lesson that any of us could ever learn, is to put God first in everything and He becomes our windbreaker.
Be Blessed
Father God, we come before the throne of grace with praise and thanksgiving on our tongues and in our hearts. We come asking Lord, for peace that passes all understanding. We come asking for strength to stand in the face of adversity. But most of all, we come asking with humbled hearts and minds, that You would hear our prayers and our petitions. Master, we need You to speak to the winds of adversity that are blowing against us, peace be still. We come asking that You hold on to our hands and the storms of life toss us about. We come asking that You would hide us under the wings of Your salvation as the roaring lions draws near in an effort to devour us. Lord, we ask that You would keep all of our families, friends, co-workers and brothers and sisters in perfect peace this and everyday. Bless us right now in the name of Jesus. Our prayers are not complete until we let You know just how much we love You. Our prayers on not complete until we sing songs of praise to You alone. Lord, we lift Your name on high, we give You all of our love, all of our praise and sing songs of praise all the day long. Thank You Lord for one more day. Bless You Lord. Hallelujah, Praise God thank You Jesus, Amen.
I, the Teacher, was king over Israel in Jerusalem. I devoted myself to study and to explore by wisdom all that is done under heaven. What a heavy burden God has laid on men! I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind. Ecclesiastes 1:12-14 (New International Version)
The book of Ecclesiastes teaches that us a life not centered on God is purposeless and meaningless. Today’s lesson is about how some people can begin to put too much emphasis on “stuff.”
Sometimes we are so busy chasing after money, success and concern over what other people think about us, that we start looking for satisfaction in all the wrong places. The things that we begin to believe are the most important things in life, are the very things that we begin to chase after.
When we chase after fame, fortune and the opinions of others we are essentially saying that we have total control of our lives and that we don’t trust in the plans that God has for us. This is not to say that obtaining certain things in life is wrong or that we should feel guilty about it, but rather realizing that the collecting of things will not necessarily lead them to the road of happiness. Recognizing what is really important; God, family, and friends are more important than things.
Learning to embrace where you are in life, is sometimes more important than embracing the things that fill our lives. Recognizing where you are in your spiritual walk is often more important than the journey. Learning to enjoy who you are is more important than trying to impress others.
Saints of God, having things is not the most important thing in life. Having God and people who love you is far more important than any material thing that you could ever have. Having peace of mind, body and spirit is something that you will be able to keep with you always.
The most important lesson that any of us could ever learn, is to put God first in everything and He becomes our windbreaker.
Be Blessed
Father God, we come before the throne of grace with praise and thanksgiving on our tongues and in our hearts. We come asking Lord, for peace that passes all understanding. We come asking for strength to stand in the face of adversity. But most of all, we come asking with humbled hearts and minds, that You would hear our prayers and our petitions. Master, we need You to speak to the winds of adversity that are blowing against us, peace be still. We come asking that You hold on to our hands and the storms of life toss us about. We come asking that You would hide us under the wings of Your salvation as the roaring lions draws near in an effort to devour us. Lord, we ask that You would keep all of our families, friends, co-workers and brothers and sisters in perfect peace this and everyday. Bless us right now in the name of Jesus. Our prayers are not complete until we let You know just how much we love You. Our prayers on not complete until we sing songs of praise to You alone. Lord, we lift Your name on high, we give You all of our love, all of our praise and sing songs of praise all the day long. Thank You Lord for one more day. Bless You Lord. Hallelujah, Praise God thank You Jesus, Amen.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
One Choice, One Decision
If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is compromise. ~ Robert Fritz
To the discerning all of them are right; they are faultless to those who have knowledge. Choose my instruction instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice gold, for wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her. Proverbs 8:9-11 (New International Version)
As I look around me at the world today, I wonder, how did we get here? The world has literally gone crazy. People are losing their jobs. Fathers are killing babies. Mothers don’t protect their children the way they used to and those that have would deny those who have not.
It would be so easy to say, “that it’s not my fault. I wasn’t the one who caused these problems, somebody else did. I am not the one who took all the money and ran these companies into the ground. It’s not my problem, it’s theirs.”
Saints of God, whether you want to admit it or not, it is our problem and it is our fault. We are the ones who chose to live beyond our means. We are the ones who wanted more, more and more. We are the ones who wanted what we want and to hell with those who don’t want it as bad as I do.
We chose to ignore the warning signs that our economy was in danger. We chose to turn a blind eye to those who were less fortunate than ourselves. We wanted what we wanted when we wanted it and in essence, we chose silver and gold over knowledge and rubies instead of wisdom.
Now we are in a place that forces our hands and causes us to question our greed for the finer things in life that were bought on the precept of “buy it now and worry about paying for it later.”
Now that it is later, what do you choice? What is the right decision to make?
Be Blessed
Father God, as I look at the world around me, my heart is heavy with grief. We choice silver and gold over the things that you taught us in Your word. We choice to turn a blind eye to those who were less fortunate than ourselves and now we find that we too have lost our way. Father God, forgive us for our sinful ways and desires. Help us O’Lord to return to your teachings and to putting our faith and our trust in You. Lord, help us to see the trappings of the devil for what they are, a way to cause havoc and cause us to turn away from You. Lord, I come before the throne of grace asking that You would once again take me down the path that You would have me to follow. Help us Lord, to thirst after Your Word instead of the way of the world. Lord, thank You for keeping me and my household safe from all hurt harm and danger. Your word tells says I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread. Help me Father to return to a more righteous way of living. Now Lord, I ask that You would bless those who stand before You in need of a breakthrough. Touch that Father, that Mother who needs to know that the Holy Spirit is with us always, even in bad times and that He will never leave us or forsake us. It is in His most Holy Name that we submit this prayer. Amen.
To the discerning all of them are right; they are faultless to those who have knowledge. Choose my instruction instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice gold, for wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her. Proverbs 8:9-11 (New International Version)
As I look around me at the world today, I wonder, how did we get here? The world has literally gone crazy. People are losing their jobs. Fathers are killing babies. Mothers don’t protect their children the way they used to and those that have would deny those who have not.
It would be so easy to say, “that it’s not my fault. I wasn’t the one who caused these problems, somebody else did. I am not the one who took all the money and ran these companies into the ground. It’s not my problem, it’s theirs.”
Saints of God, whether you want to admit it or not, it is our problem and it is our fault. We are the ones who chose to live beyond our means. We are the ones who wanted more, more and more. We are the ones who wanted what we want and to hell with those who don’t want it as bad as I do.
We chose to ignore the warning signs that our economy was in danger. We chose to turn a blind eye to those who were less fortunate than ourselves. We wanted what we wanted when we wanted it and in essence, we chose silver and gold over knowledge and rubies instead of wisdom.
Now we are in a place that forces our hands and causes us to question our greed for the finer things in life that were bought on the precept of “buy it now and worry about paying for it later.”
Now that it is later, what do you choice? What is the right decision to make?
Be Blessed
Father God, as I look at the world around me, my heart is heavy with grief. We choice silver and gold over the things that you taught us in Your word. We choice to turn a blind eye to those who were less fortunate than ourselves and now we find that we too have lost our way. Father God, forgive us for our sinful ways and desires. Help us O’Lord to return to your teachings and to putting our faith and our trust in You. Lord, help us to see the trappings of the devil for what they are, a way to cause havoc and cause us to turn away from You. Lord, I come before the throne of grace asking that You would once again take me down the path that You would have me to follow. Help us Lord, to thirst after Your Word instead of the way of the world. Lord, thank You for keeping me and my household safe from all hurt harm and danger. Your word tells says I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread. Help me Father to return to a more righteous way of living. Now Lord, I ask that You would bless those who stand before You in need of a breakthrough. Touch that Father, that Mother who needs to know that the Holy Spirit is with us always, even in bad times and that He will never leave us or forsake us. It is in His most Holy Name that we submit this prayer. Amen.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Victorious Magazine Launch Celebration
Featured Columnist - Sandra Hersey
Sandra Hersey is a Christian Life Coach for Women, Author, Minister, Motivational Speaker, and the Founder of G.I.R.L.S ~ Girls Inspiring Real Life Success. As a life coach and minister Sandra’s primary focus is helping women discover their gifts, strengths, and to lead more successful lives as they learn who they are in Christ.
God is not Fair
As children we would always yell out "that's not fair" when we were wronged by someone. And as adults we may cover up our true feelings by confessing "life is not fair" when we have not be given something we truly feel we deserve. I can even confess to you as a parent I have proclaimed those immortal words: "life is not fair" too many times to my children when they were sadly presented with the wrong reward in life.
Check out the rest of this article at the full schedule visit,
Monday, May 11, 2009
God Is Always on Time
“Don't be discouraged by a failure. It can be a positive experience. Failure is, in a sense, the highway to success, inasmuch as every discovery of what is false leads us to seek earnestly after what is true, and every fresh experience points out some” ~ John Keats
But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31
How many of you become worried and discouraged at times? How many of you feel punch drunk from all of the hits that life throws at you? How many of you have been knocked down to you knees or flat on your back by things thrown your way? How many of you feel that you have reached the end of your rope?
So often others try to tell us that what we feel is wrong. It's not. They will say, we don't trust God. We do. They tell us we have no faith. we do, some days a little more than others.
Saints, I just want you to know that everyone will get a little discouraged sometimes. Each of us will cry tears of sorrow. Every last single one of us will be knocked down by life and have doubts about our situations. Many of the greatest people in the bible experienced their own doubts. Moses, Abraham, Peter, and even Mary, mother of Jesus.
However, each and every one of them learned to listen to the voice of God. Each and every one of them learned to wait on God. Each and every one of them allowed themselves to be led by God.
Each and everyone of them learned that he is an on time God! Yes he is!
Be Blessed
Thank You Jesus, that faith is not an emotion that I need to work up inside of me. Instead, it is a gift You give to me as I commit myself to You. Help each of us to grow in faith. Father, sometimes we become discouraged because things do not happen the way we hoped that they would. Help us to learn to be patient and not count on hope but to stand on our faith and know that in Your time, the things that You want for our lives will come to pass. Father, You have said that if we have the faith of a mustard seed and say to that mountain, that thing that stand in our way, be it sickness, poverty, bills, wayward children, cheating spouses, it will be cast into the sea. Father, we come believing that You will grant us the desires of our hearts according to thy tender mercies and through the blood of Jesus Christ, it is in his name we pray. Amen.
But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31
How many of you become worried and discouraged at times? How many of you feel punch drunk from all of the hits that life throws at you? How many of you have been knocked down to you knees or flat on your back by things thrown your way? How many of you feel that you have reached the end of your rope?
So often others try to tell us that what we feel is wrong. It's not. They will say, we don't trust God. We do. They tell us we have no faith. we do, some days a little more than others.
Saints, I just want you to know that everyone will get a little discouraged sometimes. Each of us will cry tears of sorrow. Every last single one of us will be knocked down by life and have doubts about our situations. Many of the greatest people in the bible experienced their own doubts. Moses, Abraham, Peter, and even Mary, mother of Jesus.
However, each and every one of them learned to listen to the voice of God. Each and every one of them learned to wait on God. Each and every one of them allowed themselves to be led by God.
Each and everyone of them learned that he is an on time God! Yes he is!
Be Blessed
Thank You Jesus, that faith is not an emotion that I need to work up inside of me. Instead, it is a gift You give to me as I commit myself to You. Help each of us to grow in faith. Father, sometimes we become discouraged because things do not happen the way we hoped that they would. Help us to learn to be patient and not count on hope but to stand on our faith and know that in Your time, the things that You want for our lives will come to pass. Father, You have said that if we have the faith of a mustard seed and say to that mountain, that thing that stand in our way, be it sickness, poverty, bills, wayward children, cheating spouses, it will be cast into the sea. Father, we come believing that You will grant us the desires of our hearts according to thy tender mercies and through the blood of Jesus Christ, it is in his name we pray. Amen.
Thursday, May 07, 2009
When You Don't Know Where You Are
The state of your life is nothing more than a reflection of your state of mind. ~ Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Let me live that I may praise you, and may your laws sustain me. I have strayed like a lost sheep. Seek your servant, for I have not forgotten your commands. Psalm 119:175-176 (New International Version)
Have you ever been in a place mentally where you didn’t understand your own state of mind? Your thoughts are confusing, you have a sense of loss, suddenly not knowing or understanding your purpose in this life. You just can’t seem to get it together.
I find that when I don’t spend time in the presence of God or at the very least, study the word of God, I will find myself at that place. Not understanding why I feel bad or why things aren’t going right in my life are but a few of the symptoms I might be experiencing. I become withdrawn, unable to communicate my thoughts and feelings because I’m not sure what they are.
Saints of God, partaking of the Word of God and spending time in his presence is a necessary part of life if we are to sustain our spiritual life and grow. The word of God says man shall not live by bread alone; but man lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord.
Not feeding our faith causes us to feed those negative things in our lives.
Be Blessed
God, sometimes I lose my way and forget where I am. the burdens of life tend to get me down. I suffer in the late night hours, crying tears of anguish, beseeching you to take away my burdens.. I sometimes pray for a mate, not realizing that I must first develop a relationship with you. I want more for my family and don’t realize that we have more than most. Forgive me Lord, for my selfish spirit. Father, come asking for the patience of Job, the faithfulness of David, and the commitment of Paul. I pray that You would forgive me for feeding my fears instead of my faith. Help me Lord, to be still and listen for Your voice alone. Lord, I ask that You would answer the prayers of my brothers and sisters in Christ. Lord, I don’t know all of their needs, but you do. Some have not the strength to endure. Strengthen them Heavenly Father, speak a word into their spirits so that they too would be encouraged. Thank You father for Your many blessings. Thank you Lord for the death and resurrection of Your son, Jesus Christ. It is in His name we pray, Amen.
Let me live that I may praise you, and may your laws sustain me. I have strayed like a lost sheep. Seek your servant, for I have not forgotten your commands. Psalm 119:175-176 (New International Version)
Have you ever been in a place mentally where you didn’t understand your own state of mind? Your thoughts are confusing, you have a sense of loss, suddenly not knowing or understanding your purpose in this life. You just can’t seem to get it together.
I find that when I don’t spend time in the presence of God or at the very least, study the word of God, I will find myself at that place. Not understanding why I feel bad or why things aren’t going right in my life are but a few of the symptoms I might be experiencing. I become withdrawn, unable to communicate my thoughts and feelings because I’m not sure what they are.
Saints of God, partaking of the Word of God and spending time in his presence is a necessary part of life if we are to sustain our spiritual life and grow. The word of God says man shall not live by bread alone; but man lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord.
Not feeding our faith causes us to feed those negative things in our lives.
Be Blessed
God, sometimes I lose my way and forget where I am. the burdens of life tend to get me down. I suffer in the late night hours, crying tears of anguish, beseeching you to take away my burdens.. I sometimes pray for a mate, not realizing that I must first develop a relationship with you. I want more for my family and don’t realize that we have more than most. Forgive me Lord, for my selfish spirit. Father, come asking for the patience of Job, the faithfulness of David, and the commitment of Paul. I pray that You would forgive me for feeding my fears instead of my faith. Help me Lord, to be still and listen for Your voice alone. Lord, I ask that You would answer the prayers of my brothers and sisters in Christ. Lord, I don’t know all of their needs, but you do. Some have not the strength to endure. Strengthen them Heavenly Father, speak a word into their spirits so that they too would be encouraged. Thank You father for Your many blessings. Thank you Lord for the death and resurrection of Your son, Jesus Christ. It is in His name we pray, Amen.
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Don't be a Bag Lady
Remember, a chip on the shoulder is too heavy a piece of baggage to carry through life. ~ John Hancock
Then Jesus said to his disciples, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. Matthew 16:24
Saints, how many of you are following Christ? If you are a follower of Christ, are you keeping up? What I mean by that is, are there other things in your life that are preventing you from truly following the word of God.
It has been said that each of us has our OWN cross to carry. But how many of you are trying to carry your cross and a whole lot of other baggage along with it? Do you realize that the excess baggage may be weighing you down?
What many of us often fail to realize is that so often we allow our past hurts, our sins, negative relationships, negative situations, and negative people to climb into the bags that we carry with us each and everyday.
We allow circumstance and situations to become a weight that we put in the bags that we call our lives. We allow fear and doubt to become like a rock around our necks. We allow our lack of faith to become a heavy object that we place in the bags of our lives that we continue to carry.
I believe that Erykah Badu, who wrote the song “Bag Lady”, knew what Jesus meant he said : Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Mathew 11;28
Be Blessed
Father, we come to You this day in humble submission. We ask Lord, that You would help us to realize and recognize to put down those things that are weighing us down and preventing us from truly following Your word. Lord, we come this day placing our all on the altar. We come sacrificing ourselves as in the days of old. We have nothing to truly give You, but ourselves. Help us to become a living sacrifice. Allow something that we may do or say this day to encourage someone to seek Your face and Your word. Help us Lord to walk just a little closer to thee. Father, we come thanking You that You have given us this new day with new opportunities to draw nearer to thee. We give You praise, honor, and glory. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.
Then Jesus said to his disciples, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. Matthew 16:24
Saints, how many of you are following Christ? If you are a follower of Christ, are you keeping up? What I mean by that is, are there other things in your life that are preventing you from truly following the word of God.
It has been said that each of us has our OWN cross to carry. But how many of you are trying to carry your cross and a whole lot of other baggage along with it? Do you realize that the excess baggage may be weighing you down?
What many of us often fail to realize is that so often we allow our past hurts, our sins, negative relationships, negative situations, and negative people to climb into the bags that we carry with us each and everyday.
We allow circumstance and situations to become a weight that we put in the bags that we call our lives. We allow fear and doubt to become like a rock around our necks. We allow our lack of faith to become a heavy object that we place in the bags of our lives that we continue to carry.
I believe that Erykah Badu, who wrote the song “Bag Lady”, knew what Jesus meant he said : Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Mathew 11;28
Be Blessed
Father, we come to You this day in humble submission. We ask Lord, that You would help us to realize and recognize to put down those things that are weighing us down and preventing us from truly following Your word. Lord, we come this day placing our all on the altar. We come sacrificing ourselves as in the days of old. We have nothing to truly give You, but ourselves. Help us to become a living sacrifice. Allow something that we may do or say this day to encourage someone to seek Your face and Your word. Help us Lord to walk just a little closer to thee. Father, we come thanking You that You have given us this new day with new opportunities to draw nearer to thee. We give You praise, honor, and glory. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Look Up!
I try to avoid looking forward or backward, and try to keep looking upward. ~ Charlotte Bronte
I lift up my eyes to you, to you whose throne is in heaven. As the eyes of slaves look to the hand of their master, as the eyes of a maid look to the hand of her mistress, so our eyes look to the LORD our God, till he shows us his mercy. Psalm 123:1-2 (New International Version)
We are often faced with situations where we cannot see a way out. We look to family and friends for help, but they too are unable to help. We go to the authorities, the church, and anyone else who might listen. Still, we can’t get out. It is not until we humble ourselves and seek our answers from the only one who can truly help, God.
When we try to find a way out of a hopeless situation, often times we only make that situation worse. We rob Peter to pay Paul. We borrow money we don’t have. Far too often we barter our very souls away.
Right now my family is going through a very difficult time. Our youngest sister is missing and we can’t find her. It seems as though no one wants to help. The authorities are playing a game of passing the buck and we are no closer to finding answers today then we were a month ago. The only thing that keeps us going right now is prayer.
In order for us to keep a semblance of sanity and courage, we must rely on our faith. In order to keep the devil at bay, we pray. In order for us to be able to go on when we arise in the morning we start the day in fellowship with God.
Now I know that some of you may be faced with your own difficult situations. I just want to say to you, be encouraged. No matter how hopeless your situation may be, God is still in control. When life knocks you flat on your back, look up.
Sometimes satan will knock you down, but God can pick you up!
Be Blessed
Therefore I say unto You, What things soever ye desire when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.” Lord, we come before You believing that You are the one and only true God. Lord, we thank You for remaining faithful to us. Father we give thanks to You alone for loving us and watching over us. Father, help us always to put You first in all we do and say. Teach us Lord, how to remain faithful in spite of our circumstances. Help us Lord to remain prayerful and diligent in our service to You. Thank You Lord for blessing us. Thank You Lord for new grace and mercy. Thank You Lord, for the Blood, the blood that washes away my sins. The blood that protects, heals, and sanctifies. Thank You Lord, for loving a sinner like me. May the prayers of my brothers and sisters be heard by You alone. May You touch the hearts and minds of all who have come before the throne of grace today. May we always give thanks to You first. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.
I lift up my eyes to you, to you whose throne is in heaven. As the eyes of slaves look to the hand of their master, as the eyes of a maid look to the hand of her mistress, so our eyes look to the LORD our God, till he shows us his mercy. Psalm 123:1-2 (New International Version)
We are often faced with situations where we cannot see a way out. We look to family and friends for help, but they too are unable to help. We go to the authorities, the church, and anyone else who might listen. Still, we can’t get out. It is not until we humble ourselves and seek our answers from the only one who can truly help, God.
When we try to find a way out of a hopeless situation, often times we only make that situation worse. We rob Peter to pay Paul. We borrow money we don’t have. Far too often we barter our very souls away.
Right now my family is going through a very difficult time. Our youngest sister is missing and we can’t find her. It seems as though no one wants to help. The authorities are playing a game of passing the buck and we are no closer to finding answers today then we were a month ago. The only thing that keeps us going right now is prayer.
In order for us to keep a semblance of sanity and courage, we must rely on our faith. In order to keep the devil at bay, we pray. In order for us to be able to go on when we arise in the morning we start the day in fellowship with God.
Now I know that some of you may be faced with your own difficult situations. I just want to say to you, be encouraged. No matter how hopeless your situation may be, God is still in control. When life knocks you flat on your back, look up.
Sometimes satan will knock you down, but God can pick you up!
Be Blessed
Therefore I say unto You, What things soever ye desire when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.” Lord, we come before You believing that You are the one and only true God. Lord, we thank You for remaining faithful to us. Father we give thanks to You alone for loving us and watching over us. Father, help us always to put You first in all we do and say. Teach us Lord, how to remain faithful in spite of our circumstances. Help us Lord to remain prayerful and diligent in our service to You. Thank You Lord for blessing us. Thank You Lord for new grace and mercy. Thank You Lord, for the Blood, the blood that washes away my sins. The blood that protects, heals, and sanctifies. Thank You Lord, for loving a sinner like me. May the prayers of my brothers and sisters be heard by You alone. May You touch the hearts and minds of all who have come before the throne of grace today. May we always give thanks to You first. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.
Monday, May 04, 2009
Doing the Right Thing
The truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it. ~ Gen. Norman Schwarzkoff
Because you obey the LORD your God, keeping all his commands that I am giving you today and doing what is right in his eyes. Deuteronomy 13:18 (New International Version)
How many of you ALWAYS do the right thing? Do you always tell the truth? Return money or anything else for that matter that is not yours? Have you ever told a lie? Do you always follow the word of God?
Have you ever judged someone else without knowing them? Ever felt jealous of a friend? Have you ever been in a group when they spoke ill of someone and you never bothered to defend them, even though you knew what was being said was a lie? Or better yet, spread a rumor about someone just so that you could feel as though you belonged?
If you are honest with yourself, you would have answered yes to at least one of the questions above. Yes, I have told a lie. Yes, I have gossiped about others and spread rumors so that I could fit in. And no, I do not always follow the word of God. I am not proud of these self-revelations but at least, I am honest.
Sometimes we will do things that we know are wrong because yes, sometimes it’s hard doing the right thing. We are so busy trying to get ahead or trying to fit in that we oftentimes will forgo doing what is right so that we can have our own way. However, this is not God’s way.
Two things happened this week that caused me to reflect on my own relationship with God. The first event was a question that was posed in one of my online groups. The question was, “How do you stay in tune with God? The second event was a question that was posed to me by another friend, “Why go to church?
To answer both questions was fairly easy. To stay in tune with God, you must fellowship with other Christians and study the word of God, daily. The reason for my answer is simple.
When we stay connected to other right minded Christians AND study the word of God, it’s a lot easier to “Do the Right Thing.
Be Blessed
Father, You are the Supreme Authority. You are a God of order. I thank You for being the head of my life. Father, we realize that sometimes change is hard. Changing our way of life, even as the world around us changes, isn't always easy. But we realize and recognize that it is for Your edification, that we who have accepted Jesus Christ as our personal savior must change. Old things are past away. You are preparing us for what lies ahead, not behind. We thank You for that change. Lord, help us to recognize when we are judging those around us based on their past. We know that You can and that You do, change the hearts of those who diligently seek You. I know that I am not all that You want me to be, but I pray that I would walk just a little bit closer to You each day. Thank You Father, for Your word and for the fellowship that I share with my brothers and sisters in Christ. We love You Lord and thank You for not only what You have done, but what You are about to do. In the mighty name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.
Because you obey the LORD your God, keeping all his commands that I am giving you today and doing what is right in his eyes. Deuteronomy 13:18 (New International Version)
How many of you ALWAYS do the right thing? Do you always tell the truth? Return money or anything else for that matter that is not yours? Have you ever told a lie? Do you always follow the word of God?
Have you ever judged someone else without knowing them? Ever felt jealous of a friend? Have you ever been in a group when they spoke ill of someone and you never bothered to defend them, even though you knew what was being said was a lie? Or better yet, spread a rumor about someone just so that you could feel as though you belonged?
If you are honest with yourself, you would have answered yes to at least one of the questions above. Yes, I have told a lie. Yes, I have gossiped about others and spread rumors so that I could fit in. And no, I do not always follow the word of God. I am not proud of these self-revelations but at least, I am honest.
Sometimes we will do things that we know are wrong because yes, sometimes it’s hard doing the right thing. We are so busy trying to get ahead or trying to fit in that we oftentimes will forgo doing what is right so that we can have our own way. However, this is not God’s way.
Two things happened this week that caused me to reflect on my own relationship with God. The first event was a question that was posed in one of my online groups. The question was, “How do you stay in tune with God? The second event was a question that was posed to me by another friend, “Why go to church?
To answer both questions was fairly easy. To stay in tune with God, you must fellowship with other Christians and study the word of God, daily. The reason for my answer is simple.
When we stay connected to other right minded Christians AND study the word of God, it’s a lot easier to “Do the Right Thing.
Be Blessed
Father, You are the Supreme Authority. You are a God of order. I thank You for being the head of my life. Father, we realize that sometimes change is hard. Changing our way of life, even as the world around us changes, isn't always easy. But we realize and recognize that it is for Your edification, that we who have accepted Jesus Christ as our personal savior must change. Old things are past away. You are preparing us for what lies ahead, not behind. We thank You for that change. Lord, help us to recognize when we are judging those around us based on their past. We know that You can and that You do, change the hearts of those who diligently seek You. I know that I am not all that You want me to be, but I pray that I would walk just a little bit closer to You each day. Thank You Father, for Your word and for the fellowship that I share with my brothers and sisters in Christ. We love You Lord and thank You for not only what You have done, but what You are about to do. In the mighty name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.