Monday, September 04, 2006
Don't Fail This Test
Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you—unless, of course, you fail the test? 2 Corinthians 13:5
How many of you know that every day we have a test? Everyday life, can be a test. We are often tested to see what we know. Sometimes we are tested to see if we will do the right thing. If you are a parent, your children will often test your patience. Your boss, your skills, and sometimes, your mate will test your love for them.
In the book of Exodus, the children of Israel were tested by God to see if they could follow his instructions. He provided Manna for their nourishment. They were told to go out and gather only what was needed for the day. Now being that men will be men, some gathered more than was needed and tried to save some for later. But the next day, the Manna that was saved was full of maggots and smelled.
Even though the Israelites had seen God perform great miracles and supply all that was needed, some still couldn't pass the test. Sometimes, we forget what we have learned. When it comes time for our test, we barely get a passing grade.
Sometimes we forget how important our tests can be. Our tests are the things that increase our knowledge and our faith. Our tests are life’s lessons. We have been given all of the answers for our test. All we have to do is read our Basis Instructions Before Leaving Earth.
And remember, there is to Testimony without the test.
Be Blessed
Father, we come this morning to thank You for all of our blessings. We thank You Lord, for supplying all of our needs. We thank You for the book of life that teaches us and guides us in all that we do. Thank You father for all that we are and all that You are to us. Praise God. Amen.
Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you—unless, of course, you fail the test? 2 Corinthians 13:5
How many of you know that every day we have a test? Everyday life, can be a test. We are often tested to see what we know. Sometimes we are tested to see if we will do the right thing. If you are a parent, your children will often test your patience. Your boss, your skills, and sometimes, your mate will test your love for them.
In the book of Exodus, the children of Israel were tested by God to see if they could follow his instructions. He provided Manna for their nourishment. They were told to go out and gather only what was needed for the day. Now being that men will be men, some gathered more than was needed and tried to save some for later. But the next day, the Manna that was saved was full of maggots and smelled.
Even though the Israelites had seen God perform great miracles and supply all that was needed, some still couldn't pass the test. Sometimes, we forget what we have learned. When it comes time for our test, we barely get a passing grade.
Sometimes we forget how important our tests can be. Our tests are the things that increase our knowledge and our faith. Our tests are life’s lessons. We have been given all of the answers for our test. All we have to do is read our Basis Instructions Before Leaving Earth.
And remember, there is to Testimony without the test.
Be Blessed
Father, we come this morning to thank You for all of our blessings. We thank You Lord, for supplying all of our needs. We thank You for the book of life that teaches us and guides us in all that we do. Thank You father for all that we are and all that You are to us. Praise God. Amen.