Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Why Ya Stressing?
Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:5-7
Saints, have you been anxious about anything? Have you been worried about anything? Are you stressing about anything? I know I have been.
You see, there are things in life that make you anxious. A couple of Winters ago I was out of work and remembered becoming anxious about paying the gas bill. Some of our cars are old and we become anxious when they don't want to start in the mornings. During the holidays you have to plan for things and your money may not be quite right.
That same winter I had taken on a major project and I didn’t know if I could pull it off in the time allowed. I was behind in paying all of my bills and then to top it all off, I agreed to teach my first seminar on virtuous women at somebody else’s church! Lord give me strength!
When I become anxious and start stressing, I turn to the word of God. When I got up this morning, I didn't even know that I would have to write today's message and I had been carrying around my anxiety since last Friday. I always ask God to give me a word that will bless someone else when I write these messages, but you know what? They always wind up blessing me too!
God said, be anxious for nothing! He is near. All we have to do is come before for the throne of grace and tell him what we want! Keep our hearts and minds IN Christ Jesus and HE will give us the peace and reassurance we are seeking!
So I have to ask, why ya stressing? He's Got This one!
Be Blessed
Father God, we come before the throne of grace with praise and thanksgiving on our tongues and in our hearts. We come asking Lord, for peace that passes all understanding. We come asking for strength to stand in the face of adversity. But most of all, we come asking with humbled hearts and minds, that You would hear our prayers and our petitions. Master, we need You to speak to the winds of adversity that are blowing against us, peace be still. We come asking that You hold on to our hands and the storms of life toss us about. We come asking that You would hide us under the wings of Your salvation as the roaring lions draws near in an effort to devour us. Lord, we ask that You would keep all of our families, friends, co-workers and brothers and sisters in perfect peace this and everyday. Bless us right now in the name of Jesus. Our prayers are not complete until we let You know just how much we love You. Our prayers on not complete until we sing songs of praise to You alone. Lord, we lift Your name on high, we give You all of our love, all of our praise and sing songs of praise all the day long. Thank You Lord for one more day. Bless You Lord. Hallelujah, Praise God thank You Jesus, in his name we pray, Amen.
Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:5-7
Saints, have you been anxious about anything? Have you been worried about anything? Are you stressing about anything? I know I have been.
You see, there are things in life that make you anxious. A couple of Winters ago I was out of work and remembered becoming anxious about paying the gas bill. Some of our cars are old and we become anxious when they don't want to start in the mornings. During the holidays you have to plan for things and your money may not be quite right.
That same winter I had taken on a major project and I didn’t know if I could pull it off in the time allowed. I was behind in paying all of my bills and then to top it all off, I agreed to teach my first seminar on virtuous women at somebody else’s church! Lord give me strength!
When I become anxious and start stressing, I turn to the word of God. When I got up this morning, I didn't even know that I would have to write today's message and I had been carrying around my anxiety since last Friday. I always ask God to give me a word that will bless someone else when I write these messages, but you know what? They always wind up blessing me too!
God said, be anxious for nothing! He is near. All we have to do is come before for the throne of grace and tell him what we want! Keep our hearts and minds IN Christ Jesus and HE will give us the peace and reassurance we are seeking!
So I have to ask, why ya stressing? He's Got This one!
Be Blessed
Father God, we come before the throne of grace with praise and thanksgiving on our tongues and in our hearts. We come asking Lord, for peace that passes all understanding. We come asking for strength to stand in the face of adversity. But most of all, we come asking with humbled hearts and minds, that You would hear our prayers and our petitions. Master, we need You to speak to the winds of adversity that are blowing against us, peace be still. We come asking that You hold on to our hands and the storms of life toss us about. We come asking that You would hide us under the wings of Your salvation as the roaring lions draws near in an effort to devour us. Lord, we ask that You would keep all of our families, friends, co-workers and brothers and sisters in perfect peace this and everyday. Bless us right now in the name of Jesus. Our prayers are not complete until we let You know just how much we love You. Our prayers on not complete until we sing songs of praise to You alone. Lord, we lift Your name on high, we give You all of our love, all of our praise and sing songs of praise all the day long. Thank You Lord for one more day. Bless You Lord. Hallelujah, Praise God thank You Jesus, in his name we pray, Amen.