Sunday, April 30, 2006


The Holy Spirit

Behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words to you. Proverbs 1:23

Saints, have you ever thought about what the Holy Spirit means to each of us? Actually, how much thought do you even give to the Holy Spirit?

When Jesus dwelt among, he told us many things about the word of God. Often times, he told these stories in the form of parables, or stories that man could relate to. But they were still directions from the word of God on how we as Christians were to live.

Jesus said that he would not always be here on earth, but that our Father would send a comforter, the Holy Spirit, that he may abide with us forever. Saints of God, the Holy Spirit is many things to the body of Christ. Not only does it comfort us in our time of need, it speaks the word of God to our spirit. It protects us from the evil one. It intercedes on our behalf. It is strength, power, deliverance, salvation, peace and so much more.

When you think that you are all alone in any situation remember, the Holy Spirit is right there with you. You can talk to him and if you listen, he will speak to you too.

Be Blessed

Holy Spirit, live in my life. May we look for you everywhere and may I open myself to you completely. Speak to my heart, Holy Spirit. Guide and protect us as we walk our walk of faith. Magnify your presence within our lives so that we make look to you for guidance. We thank you Father. We give thanks to you for the power that is in the Holy Spirit. Breath on us anew this day. Let your drops of salvation rain down upon the saints of God. Wash away our sins and transgressions and may our thoughts and actions always reflect your teachings. We love you Lord. We give thanks this and everyday. We submit our prayers, in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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