Wednesday, February 22, 2006


The Little light of Mine

For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. 2 Corinthians 4:6

Saints of God, how many people know that you are a Christian? and if they know, is it because you have told them or do they see it in the way you walk, talk and act? Now I know this doesn't apply to any of you (wink), but how many of you have heard someone praise God one moment than turn around and curse at someone in the next. Or they have such a nasty attitude that everyone avoids them. They are rude and antisocial one moment and the next moment you see them reading their bibles.

If in fact you really are a Christian, you shouldn’t have to tell people. There should be a light in you that shines through that lets others know to whom you belong. You don't have to wear a sign on your back, you don't have to go around saying praise God; all day long, you don't have other symbols to tell the world that you have been saved, sanctified and filled with the Holy Spirit. It is the God that lives in you, that lets the world know.

Be Blessed

My Father, My Lord, My Savior. We who have been reconciled into Your kingdom by the saving grace of Christ Jesus, come before You this morning with praises and thanksgiving on our tongues. Lord, we come honoring You this morning for the gift of fresh grace and mercy. Lord, You blessed me and kept me once again and I say thank You. Father, we come before You this morning asking that You would magnify Your power and Your presence in our lives. Lord, we know that we don't always do right in Your eyes, but we thank You for forgiveness. We realize and recognize that sometimes we don't always act Christ like. Lord, we come asking that Your light that shines within us would be magnified so that others may see it and seek after it in the same way we did. Lord, we ask that You would continue to bless our loved ones, our family members and our brothers and sisters in Christ. Someone needs a miracle today, so we come claiming a miracle for someone else today, in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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